Dear New Students

2:42:00 PM

Today, I'm dedicating TMNS to the New College/Uni Students. First of all, Congratulations on your admission. I'm sure you fought a great fight to secure that coveted position at your new University. Congrats again but I hate to tell you that the fight just begun. My memories of the College life are still as fresh as my certificate and before they disintegrate into the far distance, I would like to share a few important lessons with you.

A Dear friend took her time to write a post some months ago and it pretty much touched everything I would like to say today. You can find that here. Please make sure you open that post because it has EVERYTHING you need to know about Uni life. I don't want to repeat the same thing here. Nevertheless, my focus is on the Education you got admission for and a bit on Relationships and Friendships.

You see, one thing about Uni life is that it is never as it seems. One person might tell you their experience but yours will definitely be different. Make it a memorable and not a regretful one. To make this easier for you to read, I will break it down in points.

  • Don't forget the primary reason why you are in school is to get your degree. Sometimes we get carried away with free time and spend it foolishly, doing unnecessary things. I am not saying you should not create time to relax but make sure you are glued to your studies from Day 1. You might get laughed at and insulted for being too serious but remember that "the end justifies the means." It's better to be laughed at now than to tell your parents/sponsors you are repeating a year and when they ask why, you blame your professors. Don't let that be you. 
  • When it's difficult to study, ask your friends to carry you along. Don't be a loner while studying, it helps to study with others who are also goal-getters like you. They can explain what you find difficult to understand and you can help them too. 
  • I won't lie to you that you will never fail a course after you implement the above points but I will like to encourage you not to give up whenever you fail. The amount of preparation is not always directly proportional to the best grade. Most times, we give up when our endless preparations yield nothing. It's disheartening but trust me it is not the end of the world. Many people before you have failed but the greatest of them picked themselves up and pushed way harder than the previous time and triumphed.
  • Still related to the above point, I've come to realize that this life is a life of chances. You kill yourself and work hard for something and you get a rubbish result but someone else around you that labored lightly for the same thing got a better result. This is where I will like to tell you to focus on yourself! Don't look at your neighbor's lawn to determine your growth and effort. There will come a time where you will also have it easier than the next person, don't forget. 
  • Don't disappoint yourself. Build yourself up now so that you can look back in your later years and be thankful you did not slack on yourself. Take nothing for granted and that relates to a supposedly easy course, lectures, a nice professor, study time, friends and of course your me-time. 
  • Peer pressure and influence is very real. Stand on your ground from the get go. If you know a particular lifestyle is definitely out of your league and you know it's bad for you, RUN! STAY WAY! You will not regret that decision. 
  • On gossips and rumors, even when you stay on your lane and focus on you, people will still talk about you. It's part of life and very inevitable. So please, keep staying in your lane!. 
  • Someone that used to be a friend said to me "Who do you think you are?" and I was not shocked. In fact, I laughed and shook my head without giving a reply. That is what having a thick skin is about. People will insult you (yes supposed friends too) and say worse things about you, but if you want to be great in life, you have to put your Unlooking game on a 100. No, don't absorb the insult but ignore and unlook. Don't respond to ill comments because that is the response they want from you. Don't indulge "they" (*Dj Khaleed's voice*)
  • On Relationships, don't let this derail you from your main goal. That fine student in your group should not distract you on your main objective. Leave relationships for when you are ready. Anytime you feel "yes I'm ready for a relationship", make sure you read my post on Relationships in Uni before you delve into one. Ask yourself if it's important to dedicate your full time into a relationship. Remember that it will definitely steal away some time you could have put into your studies and growth. 
  • When you do decide to get into a relationship, make sure it is with a sensible and goal getter individual just like you. Forget talks that opposites attract, it's more of a collision which is a disaster. Get you someone that you can be a better version of yourself with and one who understands that the books come first!
  • Lastly, trust no one but yourself and your God! Don't depend on friends for they can fail you but keep the good ones close for support. 
I wish you a successful journey and pray you triumph above all hurdles that will be thrown your way. 

Dr Dedun

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