Check In

12:54:00 PM

Yes I'm here once again to apologize for lack of TMNS today. Wish I could say I'd compensate with a post tomorrow but please permit me this absence today. Don't leave yet, I've compiled some awesome posts you can catch up with below...

Story Series Collection: Written By me.. Unfold is still a developing series and Miss Random's Dairy has been concluded.

Miss Random's Diary


Ideal Relationship Goals:

10 Signs You Are In A Good Relationship

Relationships in Uni

Love God:

He Comes First

Faith Explained

My Story:

Journey Back to God | Confessions of A Sinner

These should help you stay connected to the blog today. While you are at it, pleeeeaaaase give me extra 3 minutes of your time to fill the survey below.. Help me to give you more inspiring content and be a better writer/blogger... God's blessings.



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