Guest Post: 10 Ideal Gifts For A Doctor

9:10:00 AM

There are 3 kinds of people in this world; the people who love to give gifts, those that receive gifts, those that love to give and receive gifts. Ok, I needed an opening statement and I hope that worked. But while I was at it, I realised that there's also the category of people "who know how to give the right gifts", "who give the right gifts", and of course those who do both. 

While giving gifts can be a chore sometimes (especially when you don't know the person so well: *side eye to all those secret Santa/val days in church/school*), I'll tell you the best and most reliable way to do it, ask the Holy Spirit. Really though, you can ask Him any time you don't know up front what to give (or even when you think you have an idea). But if you don't want to ask Him, let me help you with the list I'm about to share below. 

  • Stethoscope and Blood Pressure gauge: Littman isn't out of fashion. They'll always need it. It can be a fancy *adult* color and personalized too. Doesn't always have to be boring you know. The blood pressure gauge is called a sphygmomanometer and there are mini non-traditional ones.
  • Wristwatch/stopwatch: As I write this I have no wristwatch yet but I'll be getting one soon though. For the times they have to check the pulse and respiratory rate of a patient...even to know the time sef, wristwatch: e go help.
  • Crocs/hospital shoes: I want to believe that even those in Nigeria (especially surgery residents) will appreciate this gift. I don't know about their medical students though (so they don't get in trouble with their know how it goes), but for those in schools like ours (the school Dedun is in), this will be nice. Please medics don't wear it out of the hospital building biko......tenkiu
  • Work bag: A Doctor's work (carriage) bag is a useful gift too. They can neatly put all their instruments in it.
  • White socks: Surgery practice/residency!!!! Then think of customising it: you are blessed! They'll need socks for their crocs/hospital shoes.
  • Customized White Coat: If they really love to proclaim their name though, please go ahead. But a white coat in the right size is a thoughtful one. I hear medical students saying: Yasss! *a loving side eye to those who borrow, its your time, share this*.
  • Mini hand sanitizers: Germ freaks get in here! You can give this not so subtle hint to them or if they are the conscious ones *I've raised my hand already*, gift them this...with the holder to attach to their bags or coat. God bless you! 
  • A massage: Book a session for them. I remember I had to get a leg/foot massage when I had swollen legs and feet from too much walking and standing earlier in the year. Honestly, they should appreciate it especially when its at the right time and its just what they need. Doctors need pampering too.
  • Pen light: Neurologists will love you, pediatricians will love fact you will be loved by the medic you're blessing with these things.
  • Your smile and listening ear: Really this should be the most cost effective one on this list. Some of us like to talk about our day, we're excited about that amputation we just watched or partook in, we would like to share it with you...please be interested  
  • Water bottle: (extra) For calls/night duty and even exercising, this should go a long way.
People of *insert your latitude/longitude*, be enlightened to put a smile on that person's face by showing some love through gift giving. Now I'm looking at myself thinking: "What have you given biko?" 

Jesus joy!

Side eye: (how do I explain this? I'm literally 'looking at it' with a smirk like this   ) 
Sef: Too
E go help: It will help
Biko: Please
Tenkiu: Thank you

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