Snap Recipe: Best Fried Rice Recipe!

1:23:00 PM

Yes I can bet my money on this fried rice recipe! Long long ago in a far away land, I didn't like fried rice. I later realized it was because of the unseasoned veggies. The first time I cooked fried rice and seasoned the veggies, I've not looked back on this recipe. So yes people, stock and seasoned veggies are the major keys to a perfect and delicious fried rice!

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Best Fried Rice Ever!
The name says it all. The underrated sister to Jollof
  • 500g Rice
  • Stock
  • Diced Liver/Gizzard/Sausages/Chicken Breast
  • Frozen or Fresh Veggies
  • 1 Tbsp Veg Oil
  • 1 Onions
  • 1 Scotch Bonnet (optional)
  • Pinch of Salt
  • Extra Stock for the veggies
  • 1 Seasoning Cube
  • Bay Leaf (optional)
1. Rinse the rice and boil with the stock and bayleaf. Don't overcook it. 
2. Prep the veggies. 
3. Add the oil to your wok or non stick pot. Add the veggies, stir for a minute. 
4. Add the extra stock to the veggies (with or without the salt and seasoning cube) Let it cook till the stock evaporates. 
5. Add the Rice and stir fry till you are satisfied. For me, 5 minutes. Taste for seasoning
6. Taadaa!! It's ready. Very quick right? Enjoy with grilled chicken and salad. Yum!

Prep time: Cook time: Total time: Yield: 5 Servings

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