Pep Talk: Self Growth

1:13:00 PM

Hey guys, how is your week going? It's a new series on PTWD! Yay to Self Growth. For the next couple of weeks, we will focus on many ways one can grow and improve. As usual, the first post is always like an intro. So let's get into it.

What is Self Growth? In a few words, Self growth is moving positively from a current point to a better one. Basically, it's like climbing a ladder and at each stop, enhancing your life in every aspect.

What are the aspects you can improve on? Every part of you.

  • Your Personality: Sometimes they say don't change who you are because you are perfect just the way you are. LOL except you are waiting for Bruno Mars to sing that to you, you need to ask yourself if you are the best version of yourself yet. How do you project yourself to others? Your personality goes a long way to becoming influential in life. If your personality stinks, every other thing around you will too. You will attract people who are like you and that's already a recipe for a disastrous life moving forward. In this journey of self growth, your personality is the most important. Fix that up and things will align. 
  • Your Attitude and Thinking Capacity: What's your attitude like towards life? Do you believe that every minute of your life is important or do you procrastinate because after all tomorrow is there. You have to change your attitude and mindset on how you approach things in life. Don't be lackadaisical about things you are surrounded with. Are you comfortable been on the bottom of the ladder? Or are you reaching out for the top with all your might even when it seems so far? 
  • Your Education: Do you just want a degree certificate just because or do you want it because you believe it is a great weapon to fight life's hurdles with? If it's the latter, I want to believe you are taking it serious and plan to achieve that feat at all cost. Like I wrote earlier, your personality and attitude will determine everything about you, your self growth and how far you go in life. 
  • Your Financial Status: Are you okay with just a few bucks in your savings account or do you want to challenge yourself to increase your financial capacity? Part of Self growth is to reach out for more than you think you are capable of. You can't achieve more if you sit in your comfort zone and expect things to just fall on your laps. Except you are David Blaine (a magician), then you have to get up, develop plans and take that bold risk to get financial stability.
  • Your Work life: Perhaps you prefer the 9-5 life, that still doesn't stop you to aim for more at that firm you are working with. Do you complain about closing time and look forward to leaving the office instead of putting all you've got into that job? If you are the whiner type, always complaining about office work, using the internet to socialize/watch flimsy shows instead of the work that you are getting paid for, then I see no way you'd improve yourself in that firm. People are watching your every step and listening to every word out of your mouth don't forget. You want that promotion? You have to work for it, even if it means getting to work earlier or leaving later than scheduled. Put in mind that even when your effort and reward seem not forthcoming, believe that it will definitely come when you don't give up and accept defeat. It might even not be at the firm you put all your effort into but at a different and better company. 
  • Your Skills/Talents: And if you prefer to make a living with your talents/skills, you can only grow and improve if you put effort and time into developing your skills. Put yourself out there. If you don't, nobody will notice your progress. Luckily, the internet has blessed us with many channels we can use to improve our talents and skills. 
  • Your Emotional Investments: You like living dangerous aye? Giving to Caesar what belongs to you/someone else. First and foremost, you have to invest in your personal emotional needs!! Get to know yourself and love yourself like no other in the process. If your emotional capacity is not filled up for you, how will you have any extra to give to someone else? And Secondly, don't make emotional investments with people that clearly don't care about you or your investment. You like bad boys/girls abi? OyaContinuu
  • Your Habits: There are some habits that will definitely hold you back from progressing in life. Bad association? Bad social habits? Addictions? Give priorities to your growth and less to fun. 
  • Your Physical & Health: Take charge of your body. Don't let anyone tell you that being obese is the way to go after all you love yourself right? Yes feel beautiful but at the same time, put your health into consideration. Enlighten yourself with complications/side effects of whatever you put into your mouth. Be fit! Good health is underrated but you need it to enjoy all the self-improvement you've made so far and the one you will make in the future. 
  • Your Confidence: Learn to own your confidence. Even when you feel you don't have any iota of confidence left, get into an acting role and assume that confidence. Self-Esteem/Respect is definitely not the least point here. It's as important as every other thing I've mentioned so far. If you lack this, people will trample on you. You will be disrespected many times and guess what you will do? You will accept it. Why? Because you have disrespected yourself by not respecting your being! People take whatever you give them. If you give them timidness and disrespect, they will take it and give you back in many folds.
I hope this was a good read. Please subscribe, comment and share. Stay tuned for the rest of the series.

LOL - Laughing out loud
Aye - Yeah?
Abi? - Right?
Oya Continuu - (Sarcastic) Go ahead

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