Faith Explained

11:02:00 AM

Throughout my journey in Medical school and it's never ending exams, I've had people say to me when I complain about how not ready I am for a test/exam, "Dumz Izzinor you again? You will just go there and pass the exam". I just smile and tap the prayer o because who wants to fail? It makes me wonder how I actually end up passing the exam despite my little preparation (or so) for it. Of course it's not like I've not failed exams before, I can't actually count the number of times I've failed tests or exams (especially the ones I was ready for). Now this brings me to the question I asked myself one fateful evening. "How come I always pass an exam when I think I'm not ready for it?" I've thought about this question for so long and fortunately I finally have my answer. Want to know? Continue reading.

You should know by now that I am a very bold lady, and this boldness was used to full capacity during exam periods. I had a motto "Don't deregister for an exam if there's no extra time to put into it". This motto pushed me so far that even when I was not ready for an exam, I would go for it with little fear and so much hope/faith that I will not fail it. If I compare it to times I was ready for an exam and failed, the difference here is the faith I had. I believed deep down only God can come through for me. I didn't allow doubts to contaminate my faith. Trusting in one's readiness for a big opportunity/test causes over confidence and little faith in God's help to see you through it and in return, failure. It's that type of failure that hurts more because you know you put much effort in it and got nothing tangible in return. Before I bore you with my long story, let me explain FAITH to you.
I'm using the image above as my illustration. Imagine this, you bought a new phone. It can power on but it's advisable to charge it before use. When we were born, we were created with innate faith (feel free to argue this point in the comment section). This faith that came with our creation won't last for long because it needs to be charged and that is were choice comes in, you CHOOSE to charge your faith when you accept Jesus as your Savior (Step 1). 

Now you've chosen to charge your faith but how? (Step 2) You need both the Bible (charger) and the Holy Spirit (Socket). They work hand in hand, you can't leave out any in the charging process. To function at your max potential, you need the Holy spirit to charge your faith and He will do that via the Holy Bible aka your charger. Do you ever wonder why you read the bible so much but still no result? Dare I say you are doing it wrong. You are not connecting your charger to the right socket. Do you wonder when you are certain the holy spirit lives in you but you can't see any result still? You are not using the right charger! 

Listen, a round charging mouth cannot connect to a square socket.  Perhaps you might want to argue and say it will fit if you force it in but the ease that comes with the right thing fitting in the right place is not questionable. The charger's tips have to be like the socket holes and have properties identical to the socket's (help me electrical engineers). Now let's relate it to us again. To charge your faith, you need to have like properties with the Holy Spirit. You just don't say 'Lord I give you my life' and relax afterwards without studying the bible, pumping more spiritual juice into your faith, and expect miracles to happen jusslaidat. 

Now you know how to charge your faith but believe me, it doesn't end there. Charging your faith is just step two. Have you heard of "Faith without works is dead"? James 2:17-20 mentioned this. Putting your faith to action is step 3.

Your phone is fully charged. Do you just leave it on the shelf as decor for your living space or do you actually use the phone? Even if it's something as simple as a phone call, it's still part of using a phone! When dialing a number (spiritually), your faith processes the call and the answer on the other end is the result. You have to put your faith to work to achieve a desired result. No matter how fully charged you think you are, if you don't dial that number, no body will receive your call. It's really simple. 

Put your faith into action by taking risks, leaving your comfort zone. Stop believing you will be successful only by your power, take your faith with you and do ground breaking things. Commit to something you know only God can help you complete, it will pump your faith up so well because you are certain you need Him all the way. Share your faith with others, charge them too if they are low, use the same faith to believe and trust that the amount you've shared with them will jumpstart them to use a direct source (Holy Spirit) instead. 

Never forget, when you are running low on battery, you don't throw away the phone.. You do what? You charge your phone!!! Now it's a beautiful cycle again. Running low? Run to your Bible, the Holy Spirit will talk to you through the Bible and in turn the Bible will charge your faith!. Romans 10:17. 

Lastly, I will add that you can't be lukewarm or on the fence between the world and Jesus and expect that your supposed faith will work for you. Don't be like the foolish one in James 2:19-20. Even the demons believe that there is one God but do they live like Him? No! Live like and for Jesus and all will be added to you. Mountains will become plains when they see you and you would pass over like the champion you've been created to be. 

Do not live in fear when you are in Christ. Fear and faith cannot coexist in your life. Fear will tear down your faith! And all the efforts you've put in to charge your faith will be useless. 

God help us all. Don't be selfish, share this post and let others learn. Also, don't hesitate to comment below if this blessed you or would like to add/remove anything from this post. I'm not a pastor so I don't know my bible fully yet and I'm open to corrections. :) 


Izzinor - Is it not
Jusslaidat - Just like that

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  1. "Trusting in one's readiness for a big opportunity/test causes over confidence and little faith in God's help to see you through it and in return, failure". I can confidently say that this happened to me at some point this year.. I am still learning. Thank you for sharing dear

    1. yes! We are still learning. Thanks for reading hun

  2. This was beautifully written and I believe that the Holy Spirit has spoken through you. My Pastor always says you can not look up and down at the same time. You either look to God or depend on your own capabilities. While capabilities without Christ will fail, God on the other hand remains faithful forever and always. Even in our faithlessness, the failure we experience is not to torture us, but its him patiently waiting that someday we realise that fresh and blood will fail us.

    1. You know when I was reading Gracie's comment where she quoted me, I was thinking "wait did I really write that?" Just shows that God really is working.

      Yes He is forever faithful and we just have to be like Him and look up to Him. Pray we realize quickly that our strength will always fail us.

      Thanks for commenting love.


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