The Spirit of Regret
1:19:00 PMI've journeyed through life so far with a couple of rules, one being, "Whatever you do, have no regrets or secrets". I've written about secrets before, you can find it here . Regrets and secrets are in the same sentence because they are both important factors when it comes to living life to the fullest. We all know the power that lies in secrets but most people don't pay attention when they say "I regret this, I regret doing that.." You are unconsciously building a hole filled with bitter emotions and anger. The day this hole fills up to the brim, you'd be distraught and won't know how to handle this overwhelming emotion. It could be a failed relationship/investment, an unspeakable action etc, but it is important to know that these things are what make us grow into better people.
There's no other way to put it other than, Regret is a burden!! Some may see a regret as a something they should never do again while some may see it as a trampoline that can propel them to something greater. For the former, if you say you would never do something again, it's dangerous because your greatness can lie in the situation you've labelled 'regret'. You live life on broken glass and tip toe because you don't want your feet to get hurt but you do realize your toes can get hurt right? So what's the point of tip-toeing? It's better you sweep the broken glass away, throw in the trash and walk freely on bare floor. You don't have to look back on the mistake you made but rather learn from it and know how to handle a glass so you don't break it again, instead of saying you would never use a glass again. This is how those who see regrets as a trampoline do better in life; by not dwelling on mistakes. They deal with the situation and march forward.
As much as we have realized our mistakes, it helps to not dwell on them and form a list of regrets. Instead, write a list of things you should do better and not repeat the same mistakes again. The spirit of regret holds us back from achieving more. For instance, you just got out of a failed relationship and you begin to regret the good you did, the investments you put into the relationship or the mistakes you made in the relationship. Between you and I, would you want to do those good things in a new relationship? Well, that's if you actually don't build walls to avoid another relationship just because you regret the last one. Using relationships as an example again, I will honestly tell you it's tiring really. Putting your all into a relationship only for it to fail but one has to know that it is a two way thing. As much as you could have contributed to it's demise, just know that the other person also contributed to it too, accept your loss and move on. Grow out of those mistakes and become a better person instead of saying "I will never be in a relationship again, I will never give my all into a relationship again...bla bla."
Perhaps its a failed business, I might not have experience in the big investment kind of business but like I wrote above, if something fails, you try again! Figure out what you did wrong and do it right the next time! Don't just give up on a business idea because an attempt failed especially when it's something you are passionate about. Go back to the drawing board, re-plan and restart! Regrets produce quitters and quitters never win.
Don't let a mistake either big or small steal your joy away. Be happy in every situation, live in the moment and when it's all over, you will look back and be appreciative of the past mistakes because instead of sulking on regrets, you chose to make it a turning point and become a better person.
No regrets zone!
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