10 Ways To Make New Friends
1:13:00 PMI'm rounding up the Friendship series with this post. Now we know how to be better friends and how to spot the ones that won't benefit us in any way. With these FBI skills, let's include How to make new friends.
- Be open minded: Some people probably have a list of places they'd rather not meet people talk-less of make friends with them.(eg. social media) but I have an old friend I met on Hi5 (That social network that came after BeBo *Tears*) and we are still friends till today. You just never know where you'd meet awesome people. Even the conventional way of meeting people is dying now because it's no guarantee for you to meet a potential awesome friend.
- Know the kind of friend you need: You need to have discernment here. It's not everyone you meet will be ideal for you so figure out the kind of friends you need and the kind you'd be helpful to.
- Be approachable: This point is funny to me because right from high school I've been told I have a resting frown face and because of that I'm not approachable. Let me just clear that thought now. My facial muscles just like to have their own mind and fire on sometimes but if you approach me regardless and I dismiss you, then you can say Dedun is not approachable. Anyway, be approachable in the sense that don't dismiss greetings from afar, smile at people, wave if you have to etc.
- Don't judge based on appearance: Sometimes we find gold in muds, sometimes we can buy them in shops but whatever way, it's still gold and treasurable. So because the nice person that approached you had a bad hygiene or dressed like a rainbow doesn't mean you should judge that he/she would be a negative in your life. You never know who is who solely based on outward appearance.
- Don't wait to be approached first: Don't sit on a high horse and expect people to flood to you because 'you are approachable'. Sometimes, make the first move. Strike a convo with someone sitting next to you. The only problem with this might be language barrier or after the first hello, you get dismissed.
- Don't be too introverted: Don't sit in a corner when in a crowd of people. Sometimes it's good to keep to yourself especially if the vibe is not your type but like I said before, you just never know where you'd meet awesome people.
- Keep in touch: Don't just make a friend and ignore them till he/she messages you. Reach out too.
- Make plans to meet up: It could be for coffee or dinner, just put them in your plans. Don't be an island. If the friend is far away, then plan video calls date and all that nice stuff.
- If in the gathering of other friends, make friends with them too: Strike convos with your new friend's friends too. The social circle can grow that way. Don't act like it's just you and your new friend in a room full of other people.
- Open up to your new friend: You don't have to start with the deep stuff but simple things just to hear what they think and that way you'd know their thinking process.
Yay so here we go. What do you think about the friendship series? Helpful? Enlightening? You can add more points in the comment section below. Thanks for reading. What would you like me to talk about in the next Pep Talk series? Please fill my survey here. Click me
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