1:07:00 PM

I wrote down the topics I would like to write about somewhere and I can't find it. I just quickly concluded at the start of this write up that I will write about something that has been on my mind recently. I don't know why people mix up having an outlook and judging. I know there's a thin line between the two that can easily be crossed but if you pay attention, you'd be able to differentiate between those clearly. To be sure we are on the right path, I decided to search for the definition of (to) judge which is, To Conclude, Give a Verdict and outlook is A person's point of view. Now let me get to my point.

Person A borrowed money from B on the basis that it will be returned on Day 5 but Person A returned the money on Day 20 after ignoring continuous messages from B since Day 6. Automatically, person B was furious and decided she will never borrow A money ever because A was not true to his word/promise and deliberately ignored attempts B made to contact A.

Imagine B telling a mutual friend C about the issue. Do you think C will ever borrow A money? I'm guessing the response will be No. Why? Because C already "judged" and concluded that A will never return money borrowed on time, if ever, based on what happened between A and B. Having an outlook about the issue on the other hand is trying to reason with why A didn't return money and ignored messages from B. So your outlook should weigh both ends of the spectrum and if A eventually asks C for help, C shouldn't blatantly say No if really she could help but instead, create a safer agreement to satisfy both the borrower and lender.

Don't know if my point was understood but the issue of money is just an example that is pretty familiar with students. Another example is judging someone's character based on hear-say. You say someone is a snub but have you tried talking to the person and you got ignored straight up? Not from a distance but in-your-face kind of distance and the person snubbed you? Or did you base your judgement on waving and you didn't get any reply from the person? Or are you judging based on someone's outward appearance (including facial expressions)? Or are you judging based on the person's friends? I know people say birds of the same feather flock together but you'd be surprised that a particular bird is flying with another just to direct it to it's destination and not necessarily because it's also lost. 

I'm just going to end this with, remove the log in your eye before you remove your neighbor's. So except you are God or a perfect being, please judge your own actions and leave room for errors. Notwithstanding, not judging does not mean you should not correct someone putting their hand in fire but do it with love and not because you are better.


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  1. You nailed it completely, many people don't know the difference

  2. You nailed it completely, many people don't know the difference


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