2:26:00 PM

I should probably change my name to Dedun Unlimited according to what someone commented under a post celebrating me. So these past few days have been somewhat shocking/surprising. I was so busy on Saturday I didn't even pay attention to my phone. As I was about to leave my town for the airport, I charged up my phone and turned it on, only to be welcomed with numerous dms, comments, tags and followers. Bruh I was shook. Wetin happen? Anyway, it turned out my story went viral on IG and everyone was inspired by my story. After replying a long series of questions, most people wanted to know how I can combine all businesses talk less of combining them with Med School. I've decided to dedicate today's post to that question and to everyone that messaged me and reposted my story (My Success Story can be found here)

I've always been a firm believer that anyone can do anything if you can just put all your effort into it. Most people that read my story probably think I'm running all four business at different "stores" everyday lol. It's not like that, everything is home based, I don't have a store hence no need for staff (so it's not like I don't want people to work for me) plus I don't have like 100s of things to do in a day that will require input from others. Recently though, I hired two ladies to work with me on Hair By Dedun, so I'm expanding with small steps. With that said, how did I become this multi skilled woman at age twenty four? A very simple answer is that I stretched beyond the limit society has placed on me. We've grown up with the notion that one should find ONE thing they are good at and do that thing well for the rest of their lives. The other notion I dislike so much is the "Jack of all trades, master of none". 

Addressing the first notion, people accept it and right from secondary school days, everyone just wants to find one course they are good at and use that as the foundation for the Degree they will go for in Uni. Example, because one likes Biology so much, they feel Medicine is the best course to choose or because Agricultural science seemed easy to pass, they decide to major in Agric in Uni. For me, I did well in Maths, Physics, Geography and Biology. I had two options, Engineering or Medicine but I stuck to Medicine not because I did well in Biology but because that was always my dream. In fact, when I started my foundation year, I hated biology so much and started thinking I wasn't fit for Medicine. Lo and Behold, Medicine and Biology are in most ways than none, not alike. Yes it's okay if you think biology will help you understand medicine, but Medicine is a different ball game in it's entirety and there's nothing Biology knowledge will do to push you in that direction. 

What am I trying to say? Having the mindset that the one thing you do constantly for years will lead to your great success is all crap. Quote me if you must but that's the truth. The world is different now, nobody celebrates anyone that's doing just one thing because it doesn't sound unachievable to anyone, it's the norm according to our world. The danger of having just one thing going for you is the fact that you have no back up. If anything bad happens, you have nothing to fall back on which makes that notion invalid. Find more than one thing you are good at and keep improving them until they give the results you want. 

On the second notion, being master of none is one that I find absurd. I don't know why the quote came to be and I'm actually not interested in researching about it. Just like how everyone takes it literal, I also will. I strongly believe if you can be Jack or Jacquelyn of every trade you decide to put your hands in, you have to make sure you are a master of every single one of them. There's no point trying something just for the sake of it because you are only wasting your time. Whatever you choose to do, do it well.  

How you ask? By being disciplined and committed. The problem is most people just try out things for the sake of it and not necessarily because they are truly interested in the work they have to put in but mostly because of the end result, money. We all know money rules the world and I won't blame people that focus on that alone. I must warn you though, that having the mindset of "jacking" a trade for the sake of money will only lead to failure. When I started all my businesses, I never for once, focused on the money I will make. In fact, my first year of business when I decided to analyze profits, expenditure and all that financial stuff was when I realized I had made so much money. I started all my businesses because I was interested in the process of satisfying clients. It makes me so happy when I'm thanked for a job well done. My friends sometimes call me the perfectionist, even though I know I'm not, because I always want to improve the little things. I've made cakes from scratch at the last minute because I wasn't satisfied with the previous and I will rather give you something late than give you something worth less than what you will pay for. 

Having this in mind, when I do charge you for my service, I know that the amount is worth the effort. You see where I'm going with this? The effort you put into something will determine it's worth. If you can put all your effort and time into different things, albeit not equally, you will definitely see results trust me. There were days I had to joggle businesses at once, put a cake in a oven, move to the other room to make hair, take intervals to check on the cakes, come back to hairstyling, think of the next blog post etc while also thinking of how many hours I have left to study. It is difficult, trust me, but nothing simple will make you successful. The only reason you all are celebrating me is because what I've achieved is far beyond the norm of just going to med school and being a Dr. I've managed to come out of Med School as a Doctorpreneur mainly because I didn't limit myself and I didn't listen to opinions of limited individuals. 

I'll also like to mention that you are the only one that can stretch yourself. If you continually limit your abilities, you will never move beyond them. All my skills, I learnt on my own. I never went to any school to learn any skill. The only vocational school I enrolled in was a Make Up School and no, it wasn't to teach me how to make up a client but the Business of Make Up. To stretch yourself, you have to be willing to learn and be dedicated to it. You have internet to surf social media which means you have internet to learn about something that can make your life better, start with that. Allocate time to learn more about something you are interested in. I learnt how to bake and how to make up from youtube, blogs etc. That's why I'm saying the interest and effort have to be there to enable you to stretch to the point that these efforts will bring money in return.

We all have the same amount of time, how you spend yours will determine your worth. When it's time to work, work and when it's time to play, play. Contrary to popular belief, I cherish my rest periods so much because I also cherish my working periods. I'm not always working so when you eventually stretch yourself, do it so well that when it's time to rest, you know you deserve it. What are you waiting for? Remove your limits and do the extraordinary. Think outside the square, stretch yourself and stay committed while at it. 

I'm always here to answer questions when you do have them. You can contact me via email at or use the Support Page link or follow my social media platforms. Facebook Twitter Instagram


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