Building Your Confidence

3:13:00 PM

I was about to round up the Self Growth series with this post when I realized the topic is broader than I thought. I've decided to extend it till I've talked about everything I mentioned in the Intro post. Today we are talking about something quite important and that's Confidence. I previously wrote about Attitude on this same series and I believe Attitude contributes to confidence building. If you read the post, you would notice I mentioned that your Attitude is controlled by your mind, so is Confidence. Your mind controls your entity and if that mindset is easily intimidated and timid, your confidence will also be intimidated in everything you do.

When your mind is set on greatness, your Confidence will be on a great level. You've believed and you will achieve. Whatever your mind sets to do, you do because your confidence has been tailored for greatness. I also wrote about Seeking Approval on the TMNS series and this bad habit contributes to lack of self-confidence. When you don't have confidence in what you do, you will definitely develop the habit of seeking for approval from others and in return, your confidence continues on the downward slope of lack.

How can you build your Confidence? Good question and I'm here to help you.

  • Think positively of life in general and yourself: If you think life is a shit hole for nuisances, you will also be one of the nuisances. If you believe life is for winners, you will be a winner. Likewise, if you believe in yourself and think positive of yourself, you will break grounds in different areas of your life. I mentioned yesterday that you are responsible for you. Part of being responsible for yourself is to do things that will move you up the ladder. So think positive thoughts, say positive things about yourself, focus on your strengths and not your weaknesses. Control your mind, don't let it control you. 
  • Challenge yourself: Before life throws a challenge, be one step further and challenge yourself. Set goals that can build your confidence, leave your comfort zone and take risks that will gear you in the right direction. Be open to learning and acquiring knowledge in every way possible. Develop your skills and go ahead of time.
  • Act the role you envision for yourself: No, this is not a pretense test but a test to enable you prepare for the person you see yourself becoming in years to come. For example, prior to my first event last year, I already envisioned myself been a motivational speaker. I reached out to people, asked questions and in return gave valuable advice and answers to whatever questions they had. Acting my future role boosted my confidence and prepared me for my first speaking event, The Success Summit, and it was easier to speak and motivate people because I already took on the role of speaking prior. In the light of preparation was also why I started motivating readers through this blog and subsequently, I got more confidence to plan my first solo event, Power Lunch and Workshop. What I'm trying to say is that, act the role you want so that you won't be overwhelmed when said role gets handed to you out of the blues. Nothing beats preparation. 
  • If you are the introvert and shy type but dreams of been out there, get out of your shell. One's comfort zone is no good if you are not challenged. Network, learn from friends and family and don't stick to your company alone. Networking also helps to build confidence and in return you build lasting connections. 
  • Don't let people validate your existence: Same as seeking for approvals. If you rely so much on what others will say, you will never truly be confident in yourself. Don't rely on your significant other to build your confidence for you. Believe that you are beautiful, intelligent and you can conquer your world! 
  • Ignore materialistic things: Your confidence is determined by what you focus on. If your focus is on materialistic things, your confidence will project those things and you can believe that your confidence will be on the lower scale of life. 
Remember, there's a thin line between Confidence and Over Confidence. In your pursuit of building your confidence, you can easily tip off the scale by being over confident. Don't believe you know it all but rather believe you have the capacity to learn more. When you are over confident, negative Pride will come into play. I wrote about that here. 

So here's to you building your confidence and if you need more help from me, feel free to use the Support Page. I am also in the process of building a monthly challenge everyone can partake in, feel free to subscribe so you get the first email. Please comment, subscribe and share. Cheers.


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