Accepting Disappointments

12:28:00 PM

I won't lie to you guys, I've not been in the best of moods since I got back from my trip. I wish I knew why but let's blame hormones, I really pray I'm not like this when I'm pregnant because I hate this mood. So I know I missed yesterday's post, I actually wanted to write something and it was in the line of canceling the Guest Post slot for Mondays. I thought about it again and didn't put anything up so I don't sound like a broken record always apologizing. Hopefully this will be the last time I will apologize for not posting anything when I know you, my awesome readers, are expecting it. That brings me to this topic.

During the course of last week, it's been a hassle getting a Guest Writer and to be honest, that's the reason I want to cancel or suspend the slot. It's also a favorite column of mine but I mean, if I'm always disappointed by people I've reach out to, what's the point? I patiently waited for the writer that finally said I will get it by a particular time yesterday. What if I told you, I'm still waiting for that time even though it's already Tuesday? Once I saw the day was almost over, I just accepted my loss and in turn meant I also disappointed you guys, I'm sorry again.

It's very easy to be angry when we get disappointed but it's also very okay to be angry at the person that disappointed you. The most important thing is how you handle that anger. I'm always one to keep my annoyance in and be mute but these days, I've been letting it out and it feels great. If you are on my personal Facebook and was able to catch my spastic episode when my folks were denied visa for my grad, you'd know exactly how I handled that. I cried for some hours, wiped my tears and continued my day. Anyway, these are my steps for accepting disappointments..

  • Don't keep the anger in: My close friends already know I don't talk when I'm annoyed. Sometimes it's good when you know you will say something you can't take back but in the long run, keeping it in hurts you more. When you finally let it out, it will be more hurtful on the person that disappointed you. This point, for me, is something I'm still working on, I think the only time I'm vocal about my disappointments is when I'm in a relationship. So vent, rant etc, just let it out and accept it. It will be overwhelming but will definitely help to accept the disappointment faster. 
  • Now that the anger is out of the way, ask questions. Try to get answers to why the disappointment came about. Maybe then you will be able to understand why you were disappointed in the first place. 
  • Do more, expect less: Most times we are disappointed when people we've done so much for do less for us. That is why we have to lower our expectations. Trust me, this will save you from future disappointments. I'm not saying you should belittle people but expect that they are human and can definitely fall short of whatever they promise. If your mindset is locked in that way, when the disappointment eventually comes, you'd be less angry about it because you had an inkling it will happen. Someone once asked me how I can let people go easily and my response was, "I already prepared my mind for it." Honestly, that's just who I am, after facing disappointments from an early age (I told my seminar guests the story behind it), it will be easier to accept and let it/people go as you grow older. It might sound like I always see the negatives, which is true by the way, but I focus on the positives knowing that the negatives will definitely show their horns some day. I don't live in a cloud of "bad will never happen" because it will. 
  • Don't forget: It's okay to give numerous chances but remember that giving the same chance, with the same condition, will only result to the same disappointment. Learn your lessons and don't forget them. 
  • Just because you'd do it this way doesn't mean the other person would do it that same way. When you have that in your mind, you won't get easily disappointed when someone doesn't do something your own way. (2+2 = 4 so is 1+3 = 4) Be flexible to other's approach. 
Disappointments are inevitable and it's best to accept that they will always happen especially from people we never expect them from or people we love most. In fact, we will also disappoint people and when we do, it's only right we apologize and try our utmost best not to disappoint them again. 

Hope this was a good read, if you have anything to take out or add to this, please comment and share. 


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