Souled Song: Oyege - Frank Edwards

2:15:00 PM

When I bought the Frankincense album by Frank Edwards, I picked out my favorites (Ka Anyi Bulie ft Don Moen, Ayaya and Ebenebe) because I had listened to them before buying the album. Then one day while studying, I just decided to play the full album without skipping and Oyege came up. It's upbeat, I loved the flow and started dancing. Right now, it's my most played song on the album. I think aside from the praise feel, I like that I understand what I'm singing because most of the songs on the album are in Ibo including my favorites lol and I'm a Yoruba girl. Maybe I will ask my friends to translate them for me since google translate is not reliable. Today's song was written in Alternative English aka Pidgin...

"My God is a very big God 
He no dey fail o he no dey lie 
That is why we dey praise am o 
If He talk am, He Don do am oh... 
Papa you no dey fail..."

Dedun: Mighty Father, never failing God. For all these and more, I always praise Him. He will do whatever He says He will do. He has done everything He said He will do in my life so far and I trust that He will continue His works.

"Oya carry the problem come  
My father is more than able  
Ah, Mo so ri re  
Jehovah talk and do  
Plenty miracles everywhere  
Goodness and mercy follow me oh"

Dedun: Sometimes we think only the big problems can be tendered to God but God wants us to bring every problem we encounter to Him because just like He's powerful to perform miracles, how much more the little things? I've experienced His goodness, love and mercies and I want you to partake in this too. They will follow you in the Christian race. (Mo so ri re means I am successful and may we all be successful in this race, amen)

"Everywhere I go Dem dey call my name Say this boy girl you be super star oh I dey tell them sey no be me do am Na Baba God Be the super star oh Orimi ye, na confirm oh Anointing yapa for my head oh Jesus no body be like you"

Dedun: People always ask me how I was able to achieve all I have so far and I always have the same response, "Only God" and it may sound to cliché to some but it's the truth. All I have come from Him, my strength and tenacity etc. He's the real super star and hero in my story. My head is blessed and anointed because my head is Jesus Christ.  

"Life no be two make you live am well Everyday you wake make you thank God oh If no be God, you for Don kaput o Igwe we dey praise your name.."

Dedun: Remember you only live one, make it count and never forget to thank God for without Him, you'd be on the way side. Praise Him!!

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