Power Lunch and Workshop Pictures | Oct 1st

7:34:00 PM

First of all, I apologize for my absence on the blog today and I'm sorry because it's my fault we don't have a guest post. When you have to DIY everything for your event, thinking about who to message will be the last thing on your mind. I've asked for guest writers to submit articles on any topic of choice but only two people submitted, which I've posted by the way. Anyway, I'm asking again because I might have to think of something else to take the spot of Guest Post Mondays to avoid further disappointments.

With that said, the main purpose of today's post is to share with you, bits from my event on Oct 1st. It was Ah--Mazing to say the least. Turned out better and longer than I expected and all the thanks go to the wonderful five guests I welcomed into my home here in Debrecen. From the lectures I gave to the interactive workshop, the day went by so quick we didn't believe we had spent nine good hours talking and eating! From the canapés to the three course lunch, everything was grand and awesome! As a personal touch, I wrote a motivational letter in everyone's personalized journal, gifted from me as souvenir for the event. Enjoy the pictures and if you want me and my event to come to any country you are at, feel free to message me. Looking forward to Power Lunch and Workshop 2.0.. or maybe Power Breakfast! ahaha Talk to y'all tomorrow.


Beautiful people

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