Guest Post: A Father's Tale

10:30:00 AM

In retrospect, yesterday was father's day and I loved seeing all the posts from friends celebrating their fathers, it was nice to see that because even though mothers get 3 different days in a year to be celebrated, the special day set aside for fathers wasn't ignored. Some are privileged to have fathers still supporting them while some aren't and some have lost theirs to the hands of death and this reminded me that at the end of the day, we all have one Father in common and He deserves to be celebrated too. God bless all the fathers and may we raise good ones too.  This piece was written by a dear friend, Dr Fara Olayanju. Enjoy xx

"Listen up cause this a story about the first man I ever loved versus the First Man who ever loved me. 
You were the first man I ever loved. 
Back in a time 
When joy was the sound of my carefree laughter 
As you lifted me high and spun me round in your arms. 
Often at the disapproval of my mum but that was ok. 
She didn't really disapprove of my father's love for me. 
Back in a time when learning was poring over newspapers with you
Learning new words as I came to you 
With seemingly never-ending questions pertaining to my discoveries. 
Back when understanding was your growly voice 
Explaining often complex concepts in a way that my child-like mind could understand
You were my hero. My Father. 
The one who could do no wrong in my eyes. 
The one who always knew what to do until you didn't. 
I started to see the flaws and failings in my father. 
To realize he didn't have it all together 
And that he too needed a Father and that was ok. 
It was then that I came to begin to know the Father. 
The Good Father. 
The One who asks me to come away with him. 
The One who says to me 
'Listen Oh Daughter, give attention and incline your ear. 
Forget your people and your Fathers house.' (Psalm 45:10)
You've brought me with you into a new season. 
Into a time where I can count it all
Joy when I face diverse trials 
Knowing that the testing of my faith produces patience. 
Letting patience have its perfect work done in me 
that I might be fully developed and lacking nothing. (James 1:3-4)
Into a time where this joy, my joy, the joy of the Lord is my strength. 
Knowing that through it all I am held in the very arms that hold the universe. 
In a time where learning is me, poring over your word and 
Learning to hear your voice like your sheep that know you and hear voice (John 10:27) 
Where Learning is me, learning your ways 
And not just seeking your acts like your servant Moses. (Psalm 103:7)
In a time where understanding is the knowledge of the holy (proverbs 9:10) 
And you Father are Holy. 
And even now I'm thankful for my father, 
The first man I ever loved cause the way in which He loved me, loves me, 
Prepared me to be able to receive your perfect love. 
And it's nothing like I could have imagined 
Cause it by far surpasses any love my father could have showered me with. 
Maybe you are like me and your father's love pointed you to the Father or you aren't. 
Maybe you didn't have a father, no longer have one or are estranged from yours, know this. 
Of a truth, you have a Father. 
An Almighty Father. 
A Heavenly Father. 
The one who places the lonely in families 
And is a Father to the Fatherless and a defender of widows. 
So come one, come all to the One who has you inscribed on the palm of His hand. 
Who will never forget you though a woman forgets her nursing child and has no compassion on the son of her womb. (Isaiah 49:15-16)
The One who loves you with a love as strong as death and a jealousy as demanding as the grave. (Songs of Solomon 8:5)
The Good Father is not just my Father. He can be yours too." 

Dr Fara blogs here. Please show her some love too. She's awesome at what she does. Thanks Fara for this piece. God bless

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