Pep Talk With Dedun: How To Balance Business With Uni Life

10:19:00 AM

If there's a question I've been asked a million times, that would be "How do you do it?". Even my mother has asked me that question and it makes me wonder how people see what I do as Mission Impossible. Brief intro of who Dedun is, for those that don't know me. I'm a final year Medical Student whoop whoop, a full time baker and hair stylist, part time cook and recently, blogger. You can follow me on IG where I shared info about the different shades of Dedun. I will be revealing how I've been able to combine almighty medical school with my businesses and it goes without saying that this is based on my experience and not something I read in a book. So please adjust and apply accordingly.

  • Be time conscious: Most important point! Time is what binds everything together. If you are the president of the procrastinators club,  I don't think you will be able to handle everything successfully. You would be overwhelmed with the amount of work you have to do. Create time for books and time for business. Don't mix the two in the sense that you shouldn't be focusing on business when it's time to study for a test or exam. Needless to say, this is where balance comes in. For example, I don't ignore my business completely during exam period and it's because I know I have a short attention span for studying and if I'm truthful to myself, I won't be studying 24/7. So what I do is, the time I would have committed to catch up on series or sleep for extra hours, I divert that time to my business and yield something out of the business too. What's better? I can still catch up on my series while handling business matters. Bingo!
  • Have a planner: I mentioned this point in the previous post here

  • Don't be afraid to say NO: When I started Dedun's Cakes, I didn't know what 'no' was. I took every order mainly because I liked the challenge of having so much to do in so little time. I'm thankful for the challenges as they helped me grow and know what time management was really about but as much as you would love to be super human, there are times you have to be humble and accept that you can't take an order. Apologize and let the client know you wouldn't be available. Also you can ask if the time they need it for is flexible and suggest the time you would be available. If they are not flexible, stick to your no.
  • Your studies come first: I know the inflow of money is fulfilling but don't forget your parents paid for a degree and not a business. Don't get carried away in your business that you ignore your tests, classes and studying period. 
  • Create a study plan: I elaborated on this here and it also goes hand in hand with having a planner.
  • Take a break from studying and business: Yes, you need to rest too. Don't forget about yourself while chasing the grades and money. If your body and mind aren't functioning well, you won't be able to handle the books and business. By taking a break, I don't mean watching tv series but catch up with friends, travel for the weekend, reflect on your goals etc. 
  • Pray to God for strength: It's as simple as this, I wouldn't be where I am now without God. 

With this, I officially end the business post series. To catch up, you can click on the series page here. If you still have questions, please comment below and I'll respond asap. I wish you a successful degree chase with loads of money from your business. Don't forget to save some though. Please share, subscribe and comment. Next series will be on Relationships (excited), if you don't want to miss the first post on it, make sure you subscribe. Cheers


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  1. Hi Dedun, I really admire your entrepreneurial spirit. I am Oyindamola from South Africa. I am doing my post graduate studies and I am really interested in starting my own cooking business - Nigerian delicacies. please, i will like to know how to succeed in this here in south Africa like you did in the US.


You know I'd love to hear from you. Please comment. Mwah
