TMNS: Thankful

10:30:00 AM

It's been a long while I wrote a thankful note but randomly I just had this urge to write how I'm feeling.  I was reading up on my "I'm not worthy" post here, I wrote that over a year ago and it's unbelievable how I still feel the same way. I'm thankful that in the past year I've grown beyond my plans. I'm thankful that as growth was inevitable so was my total surrender to believe that God's got my back. The TMNS is just a column dedicated to my thoughts only and somewhat personal if you read through the posts I've written so far. Not so long ago, I reflected on life and it's meanings for more than a week and during this period, sadness and unrest filled my heart. I couldn't pinpoint it and after embarking on a journey to find out why I was sad, I realized that once again, God wasn't the priority (Hence why the I'm not worthy post rings a very deafening bell in my ears). I've been so busy in the past year chasing my happiness, focusing on my businesses and trying to get my MD degree that I forgot to chase God first. Thankfully I'm almost done with the MD program with just a few months to go and my businesses are doing great even though I want to achieve more with them but my happiness is on the flipped side. In one moment, I'm sure I'm happy deep down and in another I'm thinking "What really is happiness?".. I'm still in pursuit of happiness as far as I'm concerned but I will probably have to create an article on happiness. Back to what I'm thankful for... I'm thankful for success, I'm thankful for protection. In this last year, I've travelled a lot and after having an ocean scare in Malta, I realized I haven't been thanking God enough for saving me from the hands of death. So many death scares I've experienced but at the end of the day, that's just what they are, to instill fear in you and remind you that death is real and God is the only one that can save you from leaving the earth before you are called to His glory. I'm thankful for financial provision, thankful for healing when I was sick. I had a terrible malaria while I was in Malta. I've not been sick and bed ridden for a long while. I went to Nigeria and when I arrived, I got my antimalarial shot and forgot to take another before leaving. The way the malaria shut my body down was too quick. From sores to fever to weakness, with no antimalarial drug in sight, I was basically knocking on death's door for 3 days until I decided I was going to ask for help from colleagues and that is why I'm thankful for Dr Cherry that tried her best to get me antimalarial as soon as she could. God bless you (If you eventually see this). Still on healing, I'm thankful for the strength to believe that I have received my healing (post on that will come later). My mum will kill me for sharing this. I was told I had severe Iron deficiency anemia and hypercholesterolnemia back in 2012. I've been dealing with it even though I thoroughly hate drugs but thankfully the cholesterol got controlled and anemia persisted but to a better level than it was. Between this period and monthly bleeding, I was hospitalized for 2 nights and this is why I'm thankful that God always come through for me even when I don't ask. I would love to write more but I will keep some for later. So if you are reading this and you feel God has ignored you or vice versa, just think of many ways, no matter how little, God has come through for you. Most times we don't pay attention to His presence and blessings but I assure you that He is always there just thank Him and seek Him, He won't leave you ever. Sorry I didn't break this down in paragraphs but it's as real as it gets.

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