10 Tips To Study Effectively
1:56:00 PM
Most times we don't know what we are doing wrong until we fail. These points below, in no particular order, are what helped me pretty much in my later years in medical school because I didn't study well enough in my pre-clinical years. I had so much time to study in the pre-clinical years but despite that, I didn't perform as good as I could compared to the clinical years and the reason was I studied just to pass and not necessarily to understand. I hope these points help someone and of course before these points, you should already have a study plan.
- Have a note: This will help to write down important points you think you will forget. You can highlight a textbook but when you want to revisit, it will be difficult to find the exact point you are looking for. Thankfully, the notes I made years ago for the basics, are still useful to me now that I need to revisit them.
- Create a mnemonic or look for one already created on the web: If you can't create a mnemonic just google, there will be something for it to help you to remember the point. Be mindful though, if you don't know what you are creating a mnemonic for, you won't understand why or remember easily when you need the information.
- Start from the basics: Before you can understand an in-depth topic, you need to know what led to that topic. The foundation is the most important part of a building. This is why it's good to start studying early before exam period approaches.
- Give yourself time to spend on a chapter: If you want to understand, you can't rush it. It is also worth mentioning that cramming won't help. Your memory centre needs time to process an information that will b stored for a long time. If peradventure your exam is tomorrow and you need to know some short definitions or values, you can cram if you are capable but revisit the crammed materials the morning of your exam because like I said it's pretty easy to forget crammed materials. Study to understand and not to pass.
- Take breaks between study: This will help to avoid overwhelming emotions. There's so much information to process within 3 hours of studying so don't jam-pack your brain with too much information. Take time to snack, take a walk, nap etc.
- Have a clear head space: You can't joggle emotions with studying. You won't be able to focus as much as you would love to because after reading one line, your mind is occupied with something totally different so it's best you sort out any distraction before you start studying.
- Ask a mate to explain something you can't comprehend: I've mentioned this point a number of times. If your ego is too big to ask for help, think of the possibility of failing, deflate that ego and ask for help. You'd be amazed how good a mate can describe something you don't understand better than a textbook can.
- Watch youtube videos: Perhaps you don't have that much time to study a course, youtube videos will go a long way to explain quicker than reading a textbook. Listening to something also sticks better than reading it. I can testify to that. I also have good photographic memory and I tend to remember drawings better. Hence why educational youtube videos are my go-to place when studying.
- Revisit a difficult topic: Even when you feel you understand a topic that was difficult, it will help to read it again especially now that you understand. You can even help someone that doesn't and you'd be called a pro of that topic
- Give time to revise all the chapters you covered: After studying and covering all necessary chapters, you should also create time to revise everything. Important information you didn't pay attention to previously can pop up and you wouldn't miss it.
To everyone still writing exams, especially in an Hungarian University, I wish you all the very best. Hold your head high and finish strong as the end of exam period draws near.
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