Been a minute
6:23:00 PMwow it's been errmm 14days since i blogged... LOL
yeah i know it's a short time but for me it's a very long time.
I said i would blog at least once a week so it's sorta strange that I didn't sign into my account for two weeks. Reason being that I allowed someone's opinion of my blog to bring me down. The individual said my blog's boring. It pained me coz the individual's my friend and even though i know he could be a die hard critic at times, i really didn't expect that comment. So i decided to hide under my shell and do away with blogging.I totally forgot about the numerous lovely comments my loyal readers told me. Imagine, one comment against many. Two days ago, I realized that this guy is definitely living his life and would have forgotten he said something of that sort to me but on my side, i'm still nursing the pain and hiding away from doing what I love doing. So that moment i decided i wasn't gonna continue crying over spilled milk and resume back to my favorite companion, blogging. So here I am, blogging again!! woohoo!! LOL. New story coming up in a bit.. i'm thinking I should post it tomorrow so it'ld be, you know, last post for 2011; DEC 31,2011. Meanwhile, if i get bored while studying, I'll just post it.
Thanks to those that genuinely love my blog. God go make you bigger!! LOL i just had to write that.
You know I'd love to hear from you. Please comment. Mwah