New year!!

4:20:00 PM

Hello beautiful people.

 I hope everyone's been doing fine and okay. I don't really blog that much these days. I've been lost, school and all. Anyway it was my birthday yesterday and I absolutely thank God for a successful completion of 365days!!! Thank Him for still keeping me alive..and I know that next year is around the corner and I shall be well and good to witness the next birthday and many others. I recited a poem in church yesterday but unfortunately, I was too busy yesterday and couldn't post it on my blog. It would have been cool if I had a birthday post though. Next year's another time. Yesterday was great even though my mood changed coz of the weather.. the weather ruined my plans and all but I'm glad that I still had a party and plenty people showed up to appreciate me. Thank You guys and God bless you loads!! Without further ado, I'll post the poem up in a bit and I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I enjoyed the recitation. God's with you all. Bless.


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