Who to Trust?

7:57:00 PM

Who to trust?
In a world filled with so much hate
Where people despise you for no just reason
Where you unconsciously want people to like you
Where you would like to be on "everyone's" good list
Even when you know it's far fetched
You still reach out for it
But all efforts are futile
It's like trying to find the end of a rainbow.

Here I am,
Trying to trust the one
Who's meant to be my lover my best-friend
The one who supposedly swept me off my feet
And got me falling head over heels.
The one who's shown me everything,
Every thing I needed to know.
How could I treat him this way.
All he's ever asked for,
Love and trust,
I can't seem to give the latter.
But how can there be love and no trust?

Blame it on the scars.
The scars that have been inflicted and imprinted
On my dear and fragile heart
No thanks to my dear past.
Wasted time trusting who was not
Who I thought was the one
But ended up been Mr. Wrong
Wasted time adoring what was not
With every Joule of Energy in me,
What I thought could have been

It only made me to realize
That the only Mortal I could trust
Is the being I see when I look in the mirror
The one I would still see
Even when the mirror is broken
And in pieces
The one who still looks beautiful
Regardless of the scars
This decision to trust only me
Is having it's effect,
A very bad one,
On those who love me.

But how do I solve this
How do I trust the ones
That love me despite my flaws
Well, I bet my best resolution
Is to ask for guidance
From the Immortal
That resides up there
Looking down at me as I write this
Knowing well that I trust Him
My very most important never failing solvent
That will react with my solute(difficulty)
And make for me a lasting solution.

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