3:19:00 PMForgiveness. A very touchy topic. Over time, I realized that the phrase "forgive and forget" doesn't apply to humans. Why? Because how do you tell your hypothalamus to erase an event? To erase the hurt someone caused you? To be honest, I think the most important part of the phrase is the FORGIVE! I'm not a bible "quoter" if there's a word like that but I do believe that it was written that we should forgive 70 x 7 times.. even if you are not good in maths, the 70 part is enough to tell you that forgiveness should be part of our life, our everyday practice. Of course you shouldn't be counting to know if it has passed 490 times. Lol nobody will hurt you that many times anyway.
So that is one part of forgiveness. Thing is there is also the part of forgiveness to oneself. A very important aspect of our life. Using myself as an example, I've learnt that I am very hard on myself. I forgive others quickly more than I forgive myself and I really dislike this about me. I hold on to something I've done wrong for a very long time and beat myself for it.. eventually I've gotten the hang of forgiving myself. You know what I do? I write a letter to myself. This might sound silly to someone but it has helped me. I write exactly what I feel, exactly why I'm angry, where the anger is coming from. And when I'm done, I read it to myself, over and over again. This helps because I have successfully addressed the epicenter of that hurt. I've recognized it so I can deal with it accordingly.. the other thing I do is pray!! Or rather I converse with God it could be as I'm walking home or to school, as I'm baking. etc. I also ask myself what I can do to make sure I don't repeat the event, I look for meaningful ways even if it's on Google! Yes Google. People have made fun of how Google isn't the best place to visit for advice but trust me if you look past what people say and really dig deep on posts on Google, you would definitely find something that will help. Guidelines from people that have gone through what you are going through.. a whole lot of stuff. .
In conclusion all I'm trying to say is, forgiveness should be our character. If someone asks you "tell me about yourself", "I forgive easily" should be one of your answers. I won't lie to you and say forgetting is easy because really it isn't. But when you see someone that has hurt you, whom you've forgiven , the hurt should not be the first thing you remember. It shouldn't be what defines them because what if it was you? Would you want to be defined by how much you hurt someone else?
You know I'd love to hear from you. Please comment. Mwah