I never thought that day would come. The day I lost the girl I used to be. That little girl who was all so innocent and naive but smart; the little girl that would bravely tell me to be strong when I'm weak; the girl that would give me the courage to face my fears.
She was my best company. Always there, at the receiving end, when I rant for hours unending. Through the times of constant nagging and screaming, she was there to revive my soul back to it's serenity. I've chased her out of my life a number of times but she was too stubborn to leave. She made sure she gave me every reason why I needed her. Those reasons always made me change my mind anytime I deemed it necessary that it was her time to leave. I still can't give an account to why she finally left but I'm sure if I think it through, I could have been the one that single-handedly chased her, again. The only difference is, this time she actually conformed.